Posts in Category: Learning Design

Learning Code

Today we learned a bit about coding by Rich McCue (website:! There’s a few different sites that help first-timers learn the basics of coding. Some include:

Hour of Code
Code BC

My Focus
I explored Scratch, which is known to be a more visual and intuitive way to begin learning code. While easy to navigate, being a total beginner with code, I did find there was a learning curve, and I think in order to advance in this program I would need to either spend time watching instructional videos or consult Rich or Val. Here’s a photo of what I did today!

I developed a character, and had a lot of fun doing it. However, I didn’t get around to making the character move or speak. I would need some more help with this.

I could see this being a great introduction for students wanting to learn more about code, and for those who show interest in animation as there is some cross-over.